Back To School Tips 2013

 Students will soon be going back to school here in the Philippines.
And if you’re a parent, then I’m sure one of the things in your mind right now is your budget.
When I was a kid, I would always notice how stressed my parents were during the opening of the school year. They’d go through their finances over and over to check if they’d have enough to cover for the tuition, books and school supplies of me and my brothers.
And now, it’s just a few days before the start of another school year. And for the parents out there, here are some back to school money saving tips that could help.

  • School Uniforms

  1. Take inventory of what you have in the closet. Determine which ones can still be used.
  2. Consider having some of those that don’t fit anymore tailored or altered to fit.
  3. Trade uniforms with other parents. Maybe their kid’s old uniforms would fit yours and vice versa.
  4. Buy good quality clothing so they’d last the whole year and maybe even more, same goes for those leather shoes.
  5. For college students who don’t have school uniforms, then maybe you’d like to read this article on how to save money on clothing.

  • Textbooks

  1. Ask the upper grade students if they are willing to sell or maybe even give you their old textbooks.
  2. Likewise, you might be interested to sell your kid’s old textbooks to those who might need it.
  3. It might help to ask the school which of the textbooks are required and which ones are supplementary or optional.
  4. Go to second hand bookstores for old textbooks. Search in online auction sites or maybe post inquiries in parenting forums for used textbooks.

  • School Supplies
  1. Make a list of the required school supplies. Remember to prioritize and buy the necessities first.
  2. Consider recycling or using old supplies.
  • Take an inventory of what you already have at home choose which ones are still okay.
  • “Jazz up” old school supplies which are still in good condition to give it a fresh look. This works best for backpacks.
  • Go through your office cubicle and give those extra pens, pencils, memo pads and other supplies that you don’t use to your child. I know these things tend to accumulate on your desk and inside drawers, specially those given by colleagues and clients.
  • Buy the plain and simple designs becaue they’re usually cheaper, but also consider durability. Give it individuality by customizing with your own design. I used to do this for notebooks.

  • Other Back To School Savings Tips

  1. Be honest with your children when it comes to your budget. Make them understand the situation.
  2. Be on the look out for back to school specials and sales in your area.
  3. Hunt for scholarships. Not all of them are based on your financial capacity or your child’s intellect. For example, some organizations give scholarships to children that show good leadership skills. South University Austin has scholarships that may help fund your education.
  4. It may be good to consider enrolling your child in a school near your home to lessen transportation expenses.
  5. Prepare packed lunches for your child to save on food expenses.
That’s all the back to school money saving tips I can think of. Maybe you have some more things to add? Please share them below as a comment.
